Editorial Board
Editorial Board
Dr. Josh Howell –College of The Albemarle - Editor-in-Chief
Dr. Grant Jolliff – Davidson-Davie Community College - Deputy Editor
Dr. Martin Hubner – Caldwell CC&TI - Assignments Editor
VACANT – Managing Editor
Dr. Torry Reynolds – System Office Liaison
Editorial Team
AB Tech CC
Dr. Bruce Pichler
Melissa Henry
Alamance CC
Ingrid Johnston
Central Carolina CC
Dr. Andrew Walser
Kristoffer Rixon
Timarie Franco
Dr. Don Miller
Central Piedmont CC
Jeff Scaggs
Cleveland CC
Dr. Pamela Bozeman
Edgecombe CC
Lynn Huff
Fayetteville Technical CC
Dr. Andrea Jackson
Daniela Newland
Forsyth CC
Kanika Bryant
Guilford CC
Andy Foskey
Isothermal CC
Jeremy Burris
Johnston CC
Dr. Ryan Bradshaw
Martin CC
Dr. Rochelle Mabry
Nash CC
Dr. Melissa Jones
Piedmont CC
Cheston Saunders
Pitt CC
Jeremiah David
Jasmin Spain
Randolph CC
Sylvan Allen
Robeson CC
Joey Hinson
Rowan-Cabarrus CC
Dr. Matthew Peeler
Tricia Staggers
Nancy Waldrop
Sampson CC
Britt Honeycutt
Sandhills CC
Dr. Tarshima Hackett
Stanly CC
Dr. Alan Campbell
Vance Granville CC
Frankie Frink
Ian Wolf
Wake Technical CC
Dr. Kamper Floyd
Lori Dees
Dr. Kerri Mercer
Wayne CC
Julie Marciel-Rozzi
Western Piedmont CC
Dr. Ann Marie Radaskiewicz
Wilkes CC
Meret Burke
Lindsay Slavik
Editors serve a three-year term that includes reviewing/editing two to four manuscripts per year throughout the production phase. Editors are also asked to support the recruitment of future editors and encourage manuscript submissions. Online training will be provided prior to editing your first manuscript.
All editorial positions for the North Carolina Community College Journal of Teaching Innovation are unpaid; however, we do encourage you to list this endeavor on your CV/LinkedIn profile.
Editor’s Applications can be found here:
Editor’s Applications should be sent to